Cement Removal Agent

The Cement Removal Agent (CRA) from ChemiTek is a powerful and effective solution that can help you clean your solar panels and restore their performance. This product is specifically designed to remove cement, rust, stone dust, gypsum and other alkaline contaminants from solar panels without damaging the surface, while significantly reducing the time spent cleaning, the water consumed for cleaning and the costs required to clean the modules.

ChemiTek’s CRA solutions is safe to use on your solar panels. It is fully tested by international laboratory TÜV Sud and has conformity letters from some of the world’s leading PV manufacturers

This product is a remediation agent and should be used as such. To avoid a recurring problem, you should act preventively and protect your modules with one of ChemiTek’s coatings. This will prevent dust particles from adhering directly to the glass, making them easy to remove during normal cleaning operations.